Usually you need the following booking types for short-time work in time recording:

• A day booking type for short-time work with a corresponding time account that can be transferred to wages.

• A booking type for short-time work 'half a day' with half the target time and the same time account.

• A booking type 'Sick before short-time work' with a reporting account 'Sick' and a time account that can be transferred to wages.

• A booking type 'sick during short-time work' with a reporting account 'sick' and a time account that can be transferred to wages.

You can download the calendar for the following year from October of each year with your personal user name and password from the TIMESYS server. All users marked as administrators receive the link to the calendar download via the TIMENSION message window. If you have made a special agreement with TIMESYS, you will receive the link to the agreed date.
You have restricted booking type rights. Under Basis / Access rights / Booking type right you can add the new booking type for the module 'time recording' by ticking it in the booking type right assigned to you.

User passwords can be reset in the personnel master. Below the 'Login name' field (which must be filled in) there is the 'Reset password' field. Please tick this field and save the personnel master record. This reset the password to the login name (i.e. login name and password are identical).

You can cancel the incorrect booking in one go via the personnel file. Enter the desired period and the type of booking to be canceled in the editing area under 'Date from' and 'Date to'. With the right mouse button on the 'Booking type' field, you can select 'Delete' and then click the 'Book' button.

The HR master record is hidden or archived. You can see that it is hidden when you use the 'MyTIMENSION' icon to display the hidden sentences. To do this, the check mark next to 'Show hidden sentences' must be ticked. The hidden records are shown with a yellow background in the personnel master list. You can see whether an employee has been archived by calling up the employee under Basis / System administration / Archiving via 'Archive time statement' or 'Archive personnel file'. If it can be accessed there, it has been archived.

In both cases, the personnel number can no longer be used.

You can display hidden sentences via 'MyTIMENSION'. Check the field 'Show hidden sentences' and confirm with 'OK'. The hidden sentences are shown with a yellow background.
You can give the employee a leaving date in the future and save the personnel master record. If you remove the leaving date in the next step and the field 'leaving date' z. B. quit with the tab key, a small window opens. There you can enter the - correct - entry date. And please also reactivate the ID number so that it remains valid after the previously selected departure date.
The date of birth can no longer be changed (for security reasons when importing personal data) - please contact TIMESYS Support, we will be happy to do it for you.
These are days on which manual changes were made by clerks (e.g. due to overtime approval or changes to the basic working time values). These manual changes always have priority and are not overwritten by the personnel master change. If these days are to be changed, a data update is required.
If the calendar has already been installed, please check whether you are in the Time recording / Master data / Calendar management menu for editing.

We prefer to work with you instead of just "for you". We therefore take the time to answer your questions and requirements.

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